In the literature on the Southwest Temple, there are two alternative representations of the temple, which was relocated to its current site during the Early Imperial period (1 st cent. AD). What survives provides very few clues for the identification of the building as a temple; one such clue lies in the general shape of the building (which has been deduced from the chiselling on the rock for the laying of the only partially extant foundation). The temple has a shallow pronaos and cella. H.A. Thompson [‘Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1951’, Hesperia 21 (1952), pp. 90-91 and ‘Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1959’, Hesperia 29 (1960), pp. 339-343] represents the temple as a tetrastyle prostyle, based on abovementioned the Ionic order material, postulating that only four Ionic columns from Sunium were used, after the manner of contemporary buildings in the Agora of Corinth. An alternative representation comprising 6 columns is also possible (4 in the façade Χ 2 columns on each flank). The problem with this representation suggestion is that at least 12 columns originating from this Sunium building have been discovered. Correspondingly, W.B. Jr. Dinsmoor [‘Anchoring Two Floating Temples’, Hesperia 51 (1982), 410-451, plates 95-96] represents a Doric temple, using material from Thorikos. This temple comprises 10 triglyphs and 9 metopes in its façade, and further triglyphs and 3 metopes in the prostasis’ sides. The result is a tetrastyle prostyle. Commensurately to our choices for the Southeast Temple, we have preferred the second suggestion, which is also widely accepted in the relevant literature [Mc Camp II, J., Η Αρχαία Αγορά της Αθήνας. Οι Ανασκαφές στην καρδιά της κλασικής πόλης2 (Αθήνα 2004), pp. 222-224].
SW-Temple, 3D representation